Climate Tests.

Successful tests for DALO courtyards in the Jules Vernes wind tunnel in Nantes. Following the tests carried out in June 2019 by the CSTB on the DALO courtyards , the conclusions of the expert report are unequivocal: ” No visible disorder was observed for the MIAMI 6*4 and 5*5 courtyards during the tests despite tests with winds of 130km/h: neither on the structural elements, nor on the canvas. These two models also underwent static loading tests of 60kg/m², evenly distributed over the dome, which also did not cause any degradation of the structure or the canvas . “
Rain, wind, snow….shelters that protect you from bad weather in complete safety.
Episodes of strong winds and extreme weather are increasing. To deal with these bad weather conditions, the installation of courtyards and shelters in schools, communities, businesses or drives is becoming a sought-after service to welcome and protect users and/or customers. It is still necessary to propose that while protecting from the weather provide maximum security.
Courtyards to choose in the face of storms.
For these tests, two types of structures were used: a Miami 6×4 and a Miami 5×5. These 2 courtyards have been tested with a headwind and a profile (with an angle of 45°) with a gradual rise in the wind in stages. In real conditions, even in the most powerful storms, the highest speeds are only measured for a few seconds, in the case of these tests, the courtyards suffered these speeds from 30 seconds to 1 minute. These wind conditions correspond to a ten-year / centenary storm (????).
These tests made it possible to measure the resistance, the behavior and the final state of the structures. Whether it is the holding of the fixings, the resistance of the structure and the canvas, the tests conclude that “the metallo-textile structure underwent the strong wind test of 130 km/h without suffering any visible damage”, Les instruments de measurements meanwhile only find that the 6*4 “courtyard remains leaning after the 16mm test”! but that “no part has bent or broken, neither at the level of the structural elements, nor of the connections to the ground, nor the canvas itself”.

Courtyards that stand up to the snow.
To measure resistance to snow, the courtyards were subjected to a load of 60Kg/m2 distributed evenly. Once again, the conclusions of the experts are without appeal, this loading did not “cause any degradation of the structure or the canvas”.
For Romain FAURANT, Director of DALO “The success of these tests testifies to DALO’s desire since its creation to offer courtyards and shelters that meet the highest quality standards”. “We are all the more satisfied with these results since, not content with resisting 130 km of wind, it is the same structures that have passed the tests several times, and our courtyards have succeeded perfectly, thus facing the equivalent of X century-old storms! “.